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Bus Accidents

Bus accidents are a too-common occurrence on our roadways. Unfortunately, many people are injured and killed by negligent bus drivers each year. In 2015, which is currently the most recent year where data is available, 295 people were killed in bus crashes and 24,000 were injured.

Bus drivers, like commercial truck driver, are subject to state and federal regulations concerning driver hiring, training, retention, and supervision.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Houston take advantage of bus services. Chartered buses, school buses, and Greyhounds commonly frequent Houston’s roadways.

Buses are an excellent alternative to cars and a great way to get around town. Plus, buses occur less frequently than other motor vehicle accidents. But bus accidents do happen, and the aftermath can be costly.

Bus drivers and others whose reckless or negligent actions put bus passengers at risk should be financially responsible for the accidents they cause. At the bus accident law firm of Armstrong Lee & Baker LLP, we are here to hold them accountable.

No victims should have to deal with their injuries alone. When you work with us, you do not have to face this battle on your own. If you were injured in a bus accident, we can answer your questions, explain your options, negotiate with insurance companies, and stand by you from case inception until we secure a just settlement.

Our client’s financial and emotional burdens always come first. We understand that a bus accident can turn your life inside out, and we never lose sight of the fact that we are dealing with people, not case files.

Our skilled attorneys are not afraid to battle with insurance companies and will fight tirelessly to get you every penny your case is worth. We have won millions of dollars for our clients and prepare each case so that we are ready to go to trial if necessary.

If you need a bus accident lawyer, Houston law firm Armstrong Lee & Baker LLPis here for you every step of the way. Your satisfaction equals our success.

How Common are Bus Accidents?

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), 4,998 large trucks and buses ended in fatal crashes in 2020. Of those, 46 school buses, 9 intercity buses, and 86 transit buses were involved.

The good news is that these numbers reflect a 5% decrease from 2019.

Bus accident risks vary by bus type. On average, from 2010 to 2020, school buses accounted for 38% of fatal bus accidents. Transit buses accounted for 35% of all fatal bus crashes.

Intercity buses accounted for 11% of all fatal bus accidents. Overall, bus crashes injured 160,000 people in 2020.

Residents of Houston rely on bus services to get around the city and beyond. Luckily, as evidenced by the numbers, buses are a safe mode of transportation, with accidents occurring relatively infrequently.

Although buses are considered to be relatively safe, when bus accidents happen, they can still be life-altering. If your life has been affected by a bus accident, a bus injury lawyer can help you win the compensation you need.

The right compensation can go a long way to helping you down the road to recovery.

Who or What Caused My Bus Accident?

Many different factors can cause a bus accident. Careless driving, brake failure, poor road conditions, and other drivers on the road can all contribute to a catastrophe.

However, because private entities usually employ bus drivers, legal responsibility for a bus accident can be very different than in typical car crashes. 

Liable Parties

Depending on the circumstances, one or a combination of the following parties may be liable:

  • The bus driver—In some cases, if the bus driver was driving under the influence, speeding, driving recklessly, or failing to abide by traffic laws, they could be liable.
  • A third-party driver— Another driver’s carelessness can cause a bus accident. In this case, victims would file a claim with the at-fault person’s insurance company.
  • A private company—Charter and tour bus companies are responsible for their employees’ actions. Usually, employed drivers are not directly liable for the harm they cause, so claims go to the company’s insurance company.
  • A bus or parts manufacturer—Buses travel hundreds of miles each week, and the wear and tear on their parts accumulate over time. If a bus manufacturer sells a faulty vehicle or a parts manufacturer makes one of the parts poorly, the bus can break down, causing an accident.
  • A mechanic or safety inspector—Mechanical failure can also occur because a mechanic made a mistake while fixing the bus or a safety inspector failed to catch a problem. If the company that owns the bus contracted this work to another company, that business could be to blame.

An experienced bus accident attorney will investigate your case, ascertain the accident’s cause, and work with you to determine who the liable party or parties are. Knowing who and what caused your accident will help you determine the right kind of claim to file, which will help ensure you receive a fair settlement.  

Armstrong Lee & Baker Can Help

If you have been harmed in a bus accident, Armstrong Lee & Baker wants to hold the parties responsible for your injuries accountable.

Our aggressive yet compassionate attorneys understand the nuances and complicated laws behind bus accidents and are not afraid to deal with difficult Insurance companies.

We will fight for you and the settlement you deserve so you can focus on moving forward. Call us now at 832-402-6637 for a free consultation. We never take a fee unless we win.