Anchor Risk Management Workers’ Compensation

If you have been injured in the workplace and your employer does not have Texas workers’ compensation insurance, you may find yourself filing a non-subscriber claim with Anchor Risk and Claims Management.

The process may seem simple on the surface, but there are a lot of nuances to workplace injury claims in Texas.

Hiring an experienced attorney who understands how to handle your Anchor Risk Management workers’ compensation claim can make a substantial difference in how much compensation you recover. 

What Is a Non-Subscriber Work Injury Claim?

Texas is one of a few states where employers are not required to subscribe to workers’ compensation coverage. That means when something does go wrong, and you are injured on the job, it is really important that you understand your options.

Companies that do not participate in the workers’ compensation program are called non-subscribers. Non-subscriber employers can opt to purchase workplace injury insurance from private companies, self-insure, or carry no coverage at all. 

What Does Anchor Risk and Claims Management Do?

Anchor Management Services is an insurance and third-party benefits administration company. They specialize in claims management and handle both Texas workers’ compensation and non-subscriber claims.

If you have been injured and your employer is a non-subscriber, your employer will file a claim with Anchor Management Services. From there, the company may handle your claim much like they would a workers’ compensation claim.

Who Is Eligible to Receive Anchor Risk Management Workers’ Compensation?

An employee who is injured on the job may have a right to legal recovery for their injuries. Even if your employer has opted out of the Texas workers’ compensation system, they may use a private company, like Anchor Management Services, to handle their employee injury claims. Unlike workers’ compensation, when you file a non-subscriber claim, you do not forfeit your right to sue your employer. 

In order to be eligible to file a non-subscriber claim, you must have suffered an injury during the normal course of employment or while acting on behalf of your employer.

For a private insurance claim, the employer must have acted with some degree of negligence that contributed to your injury. Examples could include a lack of training, improper staffing, safety standard violations, and more.  

Your employer may still be held liable even if you were partially responsible for the accident. It is important to have an experienced attorney on your side to determine fault and advise you about your legal rights to recovery. 

What Are Third-Party Work Injury Claims?

If you were injured because of the negligent act of a third party while at work, according to the Texas Labor Code, you are entitled to seek legal recovery.

It is important to know that if an insurance provider paid for your treatment, they are expecting to be reimbursed if you recover compensation from the third party.

This concept is called subrogation. The insurance company may also have the option to bring the claim in your name if they think a third party was responsible for your injuries.

In that case, if the insurance company is awarded more than you were paid, you may be entitled to additional compensation. Some examples of third-party work injury claims include:

  • A delivery driver who was hit by a drunk driver while en route to a destination;
  • A construction worker who was injured because of an equipment malfunction; and
  • A landscaper who was bitten by the property owner’s dog. 

These are just a few examples of an employee being injured in the course of work because of the negligence of a third party rather than the employer.

Third-party work injury claims can be complicated, which is why it is important to work with an experienced Texas personal injury lawyer who knows how to protect your rights throughout the process

Is an Attorney Necessary for an Anchor Management Services Claim?

Much like a workers’ compensation claim, it is important that you follow all the necessary steps to receive compensation when filing a non-subscriber claim.

It is also important to understand the full value of your claim. It is in the best interest of the insurance company and your employer for you to take a quick settlement without analyzing whether the compensation offered will meet your needs.

You do not have to accept an unfair settlement. The insurance company could also deny the claim, in which case you may consider appealing the decision or filing a lawsuit. 

An experienced attorney can help in a number of ways, including:

  • Providing an estimate of the full value of your claim;
  • Conducting an investigation to determine fault; 
  • Filing the proper paperwork on time;
  • Negotiating on your behalf; and 
  • Forming a legal strategy to get the compensation you deserve. 

You do not want to face an insurance company alone. The team at Armstrong Lee & Baker LLP has proven success handling non-subscriber claims involving Anchor Risk Management.

Our lawyers have won millions of dollars in compensation for our clients, so you can trust that we know what it takes to succeed at the negotiating table and in the courtroom. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. 

Author Photo

Joshua Lee believes in aggressive, tough advocacy and a client-centered approach to every case. Joshua draws from a wide body of experiences and a robust understanding of the law. Joshua graduated from the New York University School of Law in New York City, which is considered among the best law schools in the world.