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What to do After a Burn Injury

Have you suffered a burn injury in a Fort Worth accident? If so, you could be entitled to receive compensation for your injuries, lost time from work, pain and suffering, and more.

However, pursuing a burn injury claim can be complicated. You need a legal advocate on your side who can protect your rights.

Contact a Fort Worth burn injury attorney at Armstrong, Lee & Baker LLP to discuss your case and learn how we can help.


Victims of fires and other burn-related accidents undergo enormous physical and psychological trauma. Even seemingly minor burns can significantly impact a victim’s life.

When someone else’s negligence or intentional actions result in your burn injuries, it is time to speak with our Fort Worth burn injury attorneys.  

Common Types of Burn Injury Claims

Any number of incidents can lead to a burn injury. However, we see some causes more often than others in personal injury lawsuits.

Some of the more common types of burn injury accidents we represent clients for include:

  • Workplace injuries;
  • Motor vehicle accidents;
  • Motorcycle accidents;
  • Apartment and house fires;
  • Electric cord fires;
  • Truck accidents;
  • Tanker explosions;
  • Scalding water and pipes;
  • Defective products;
  • Electric accidents;
  • Recreational fires, and
  • Locked fire exits.

If you suffered a burn injury in one of these—or any other—accident types, our Fort Worth burn injury lawyers are here to help.

Burn Injury Classifications

Doctors classify burns according to their severity into four primary levels. The higher the level, the more severe the burn.

First-Degree Burns

These burns affect only the top layer of skin and are characterized by minor inflammation and redness. First-degree burns often heal on their own, with pain lasting around one week.

Second-Degree Burns

Second-degree burns affect the dermis, which lies just below the outer layer. These burns are distinguishable by their bright red blisters. Second-degree burns typically require bandages and can take weeks to heal.

Third-Degree Burns

Damage from a third-degree burn extends through two full layers of skin. The skin typically turns black, white, brown, or yellow. Nerve endings might also be damaged.

Fourth-Degree Burns

Fourth-degree burns are the most serious and can be life-threatening. The burn impacts all layers of your skin, moving into the deeper tissue below.

In the worst cases, bone and muscle are affected. Victims might not have any feeling because there’s significant damage to nerve endings.

Complications of Burn Injuries

Many burn victims can suffer complications from their injuries. That is one of the reasons why it is crucial to seek medical treatment immediately following a burn injury, as it can reduce the risk of complications.


Infection is the number one risk from burn injuries. It is easy for an infection to make its way through the skin when there is damage. Look for signs of an infection when the burn thickness changes, the color changes, or there is pus or green discharge.


Victims of severe burns can become significantly dehydrated because they lose fluid through the skin. It might be necessary to undergo IV treatment to treat severe dehydration.


Scarring is also significant with severe burn injuries. Some victims might need multiple surgeries to help fix the appearance of scars or to reconstruct facial features that were burned off. It is crucial to follow the doctors’ orders for burn treatment to minimize the severity of scarring.

Proving Liability in a Fort Worth Burn Accident

Before you receive any compensation for your burn injuries, you must establish liability against the defendants. In a case involving negligence, you must prove the four following elements:

  • The defendants owed the victim a duty of care;
  • The defendants breached this legal duty of care;
  • The breach is what led to the accident that caused the victim’s injuries; and
  • The victim must have suffered verifiable damages, such as medical expenses.

Not all burn injuries involve straightforward negligence arguments. You might have a cause of action against a company or manufacturer for a defective product.

Someone who installed an electrical device incorrectly might also be a defendant. You might even have a medical malpractice claim if the burn occurred during medical treatment.

Depending on the accident type, proving liability is one of the most challenging aspects of burn injuries. Do not try to build a liability argument and case without the assistance of a skilled Fort Worth burn injury lawyer.

Why Hire a Fort Worth Burn Injury Attorney?

The law does not require you to hire a lawyer, so you might be wondering why you should hire a Fort Worth burn injury attorney at Armstrong, Lee & Baker LLP.

You need an attorney with experience handling similar cases to maximize your potential compensation. Not all personal injury law firms take the same types of cases. 

The defendants will be looking for any option possible to shift the majority of the blame onto you. When you have our firm representing you, we will not let the defendants try to take advantage of you.

We will handle all communications and negotiations with the defendants. If we cannot negotiate a settlement, we are prepared to file a lawsuit on your behalf. You never have to worry about missing legal deadlines.

If you sustained injuries in a burn-related accident, contact Armstrong, Lee & Baker LLP today to schedule an initial consultation. Let us review your case and help you fight for maximum compensation for your burn injuries.