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Deer Park, TX Personal Injury Lawyers

Tens of thousands of people suffer serious injuries yearly from negligent individuals, companies, and governmental entities.

These injuries and damages can cause significant and sometimes long-lasting debilitating physical issues that leave victims with persistent mental and emotional trauma.

Many victims have mounting medical bills, lost income, and physical suffering. In addition, accident victims must often navigate the hurdles that insurance adjusters present.

If you are in this daunting situation, contact a personal injury lawyer at Armstrong Lee & Baker LLP. The Deer Park personal injury attorneys on our team have extensive experience handling all aspects of accident lawsuits in Texas.

Contact our office at 832-402-6637 to discuss your rights and remedies after a Texas accident.

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What Is a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Personal injury law governs disputes that arise when an individual suffers injuries because of another’s negligent, reckless, or wrongful conduct.

Personal injury lawsuits fall under the civil tort system; therefore, unlike criminal cases, personal injury claims do not involve the government’s prosecution of the at-fault party. However, in some cases, the at-fault party may also face criminal charges. 

So, what is a personal injury lawyer? A Texas personal injury lawyer provides legal advice, counsel, and representation to those who have suffered injuries because of another’s negligence.

Some common types of personal injury claims Armstrong Lee & Baker handle include the following:

  • Auto accidents;
  • Auto defects;
  • Bicycle accidents;
  • Construction accidents; 
  • Premises liability;
  • Product liability;
  • Trucking accidents, and
  • Wrongful death. 

These practice areas encompass unique filing, evidentiary, and procedural rules. Experienced personal injury lawyers on our team can help victims prepare a compelling case for compensation against any at-fault party. 

Hiring the Right Personal Injury Lawyer 

Hiring the right personal injury lawyer can make a significant difference in the outcome of a case.

Armstrong Lee & Baker understand the importance of how a positive lawyer-client relationship aids client satisfaction and improves the overall well-being of injury victims during the personal injury claims process. 

Certain characteristics often indicate a good personal injury lawyer. We pride ourselves in prioritizing the following: 

  • Communication skills;
  • Empathy;
  • Experience;
  • Trustworthiness, and 
  • Strong negotiation and litigation skills.  

When to Call a Personal Injury Lawyer 

You may be wondering when to call a personal injury lawyer. The full extent of injuries and damages following an accident often manifest days or weeks after the initial event.

Thus, it is important that anyone involved in an accident seek medical treatment as soon as possible to address any health concerns and protect their legal rights to compensation.

After receiving emergency or initial medical care, an accident victim should call a personal injury lawyer. The ideal time to call an attorney after an accident is within a few days.

This gives the attorney time to schedule a free initial consultation with the client, evaluate the merits, gather evidence, and prepare a compelling case for benefits. 

However, it is important to call an attorney well before the two-year statute of limitations expires.

Under Texas law, all personal injury claims must be filed within two years of the date of the accident or, in some cases, the date that you learned you might have a claim.

Failure to bring a case within the statute of limitations will almost certainly prevent you from being able to obtain compensation for your injuries. 

How Much Is a Personal Injury Lawyer? 

The thought of bringing a personal injury lawsuit after an accident can be overwhelming for a few reasons, not the least of which is the cost.

It is common knowledge that lawyers can be very expensive, and the thought of paying thousands of dollars out-of-pocket for an attorney could deter many accident victims from ever filing a case.

So, how much is a personal injury lawyer? Armstrong Lee & Baker uses a contingent fee agreement to alleviate the financial burden of bringing a claim.

In a contingency fee agreement, a lawyer will take your case at no upfront cost to you. The lawyer may also advance all litigation costs such as those related to filing fees, investigations, depositions, and travel.

Then, if the lawyer is able to secure financial compensation for you, the lawyer will take a portion of the proceeds.

The attorneys at Armstrong Lee & Baker work on a contingency fee basis. Under this system, our personal injury clients do not owe us any payment unless we win your case.

We also provide free initial consultations to those who believe they have a viable personal injury lawsuit. 

Is It Worth Getting a Personal Injury Lawyer? 

Personal injury lawsuits are rarely straightforward and present significant burdens to those seeking compensation.

Texas personal injury claims involve complex legal processes, confusing paperwork, insurance company adjusters and attorneys, and strict deadlines. Is it worth getting a personal injury lawyer?

When a victim or their loved one hires an attorney, the attorney will begin taking steps to preserve their client’s claim. Personal injury lawyers play a key role in the success of these claims by doing the following:

  • Investigating claims;
  • Gathering evidence;
  • Negotiating;
  • Preparing motions and pleadings;
  • Conducting discovery;
  • Addressing affirmative defenses, and
  • Representing clients in court.

Securing compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, emotional distress, and pain and suffering is crucial to overall recovery.

During these claims, attorneys provide peace of mind and invaluable skills, resources, and knowledge. 

Speak with a Knowledgeable Personal Injury Attorney About Your Injuries Today

If you or a loved one was recently injured in any type of accident, it is important you understand what your rights are and what you can do to ensure you are not left paying for another person’s mistake.

At the Deer Park personal injury law firm of Armstrong Lee & Baker, we have years of experience connecting our clients and their families with meaningful compensation that can help them start the process of moving on with their lives after a serious accident.

We also offer free consultations to all prospective clients, during which we will answer all your questions, explain the recovery process, and explain how our injury lawyers can help you recover the damages you deserve.

To learn more and schedule a free consultation today, call 832-402-6637 today. You can also connect with us through our online contact form.