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If you were injured due to someone else’s negligence or misconduct, you may be wondering if and how you can recover compensation. Fortunately, victims in personal injury cases can take legal action to hold liable parties accountable.

However, you must be able to demonstrate a clear link between the negligent act and your injuries. 

Armstrong Lee & Baker LLP is a reputable law firm serving Houston and surrounding areas. Our experienced injury attorneys know how to hold responsible parties accountable and get results for our clients.

Contact our firm to speak with a Sugar Land personal injury lawyer about getting compensation for your injuries.


Personal Injury Cases We Handle

Our firm represents clients for a wide range of injuries. Here is an overview of common incidents we see in Sugar Land, Texas.

  • Car accidents. Texas has large roadways with high speed limits. Accidents on these roads can have severe consequences that require lifelong care.
  • Medical malpractice. Doctors and other medical professionals sometimes harm patients during treatment. Our firm can investigate and pursue these practitioners to hold them accountable.
  • Motorcycle accidents. Collisions involving motorcycles often have life-changing injuries. We can help you seek compensation whether you were riding the motorcycle or were in another vehicle.
  • Oilfield injuries. Many people in Sugar Land work in the oil and gas industry. Accidents on these job sites are often catastrophic and lead to complex litigation. 
  • Premises liability. A landowner may be responsible for injuries that occur on their property. Typical cases include dog bites, drowning incidents, and slip-and-falls.
  • Product liability. People expect products to be safe and work as designed. Our firm can seek compensation for injuries due to faulty products and manufacturing defects. 
  • Truck accidents. Many semi-trucks and other large vehicles make their way through Sugar Land each day. 
  • Wrongful death. Accidents can sometimes lead to the loss of a loved one. You may be eligible for compensation to assist with reduced income, funeral expenses, and lost companionship.

These are only a few examples of personal injury cases. Armstrong Lee & Baker LLP can help you no matter how you are hurt. 

How a Sugar Land Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

Working with an attorney is the best way to get justice after an accident. The lawyers at our firm can handle all aspects of your case while you focus on recovering. 


We start most cases by gathering evidence that can help us understand the circumstances of your incident. Our lawyers will compile medical records, review photos and videos, and speak with witnesses.

On occasion, we’ll work with experts like medical professionals and accident reconstruction specialists who can help strengthen your claim.


Personal injury cases often involve insurance companies who negotiate on behalf of their clients. Insurers often undervalue claims to get a fast settlement. Our firm will negotiate with these companies to maximize the value of your claim. We will show how the other side caused your injuries and why you deserve compensation.


If settlement isn’t possible, Armstrong Lee & Baker LLP will be ready to take your case to court. Our attorneys will craft a compelling argument to present to the judge or jury. We’ll demonstrate how the evidence and legal precedent are on your side, supporting your compensation claim.

How Much Is a Personal Injury Case Worth?

No two personal injury cases are identical. The circumstances and damages of each claim are unique. Our firm will need to consider several factors to determine how much your case is worth. 

Your compensation claim can include the following damages.

Medical Expenses

Your financial compensation can cover the cost of medical bills related to your injury. 

These expenses can include: 

  • Diagnostic testing;
  • Surgery;
  • Medication, and
  • Rehabilitation.

Our experienced legal team will work with medical professionals to estimate your future medical costs and ensure they are included in your settlement or verdict.

Loss of Income

An injury due to someone else’s negligence can have a devastating impact on your finances.

Loss of income refers to the financial losses you incur due to your injury. This can include:

  • Lost wages while you were unable to work;
  • Missed bonuses, commissions, or other benefits;
  • Any vacation time or sick leave you had to use; and
  • Reduced earnings if you can’t return to your previous job. 

Our experienced team of personal injury lawyers will work diligently to document your lost income and future earning potential. We will gather evidence such as pay stubs, tax returns, and employment records to prove your financial losses.

We will also work with experts to estimate your future earning potential if your injury has permanently impacted your ability to work.

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Accidents can leave you with mounting bills. Small out-of-pocket expenses can add up, causing more stress during an already difficult situation. You can request compensation to help with these costs. 

Out-of-pocket expenses can include:

  • Prescription co-pays and deductibles,
  • Over-the-counter medications and medical supplies,
  • Transportation costs related to healthcare appointments,
  • Parking fees,
  • Childcare costs, and
  • Home modifications. 

Our firm can help you document every out-of-pocket expense after your injury. We’ll review receipts, track mileage, and gather any other necessary documentation to build a strong case for your full compensation.

Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering encompasses the emotional and psychological consequences of your injury. The unseen wounds of these incidents often take the longest to heal. 

These damages can include:

  • Physical pain and discomfort,
  • Emotional distress,
  • Loss of enjoyment of life,
  • Loss of consortium, and
  • Scarring and disfigurement.

Our team of experienced lawyers will work closely with you to understand the full extent of your pain and suffering. We’ll gather evidence such as medical records, therapist reports, and personal testimonies to document the emotional and psychological impact of your injury.

Punitive Damages

In some cases, a court may award punitive damages to punish a defendant. These awards are rare because they require the defendant to display a wanton disregard for others’ safety or involve malicious intent. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to common questions we get from clients. For anything else, call Armstrong Lee & Baker LLP to speak with a Sugar Land personal injury attorney.

What Is the Time Limit to File a Personal Injury Claim in Texas?

Texas law requires victims to file personal injury claims no later than two years after their injury. This deadline is called the statute of limitations.

Failing to file a claim within this period can result in the court dismissing your case. There are a handful of exceptions to this rule, such as claims involving minors and medical malpractice cases. 

If you think you have a case, you should speak with an attorney as soon as possible to meet this filing deadline and see if you qualify for an exception.

Should I Speak with the Other Party or Their Insurance Company?

After a car accident, it’s common for the other side to notify their insurance carrier. The insurance company may contact you to offer a settlement or get your side of the story.

Under no circumstances should you speak with the other party or their insurer. They may try to get you to admit liability or accept a low settlement offer. Instead, let Armstrong Lee & Baker LLP handle these conversations for you.

Do I Need to Go to Court to Get Compensation?

Many people think lawsuits involve long, formal court cases. While this is true in some cases, most personal injury cases end with a private settlement.

These agreements allow the parties to resolve a dispute without making the matter public or involving an official trial. Your Sugar Land personal injury lawyer can manage this process for you. 

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

You need a fierce advocate on your side, and few firms can match our experience and record. Our attorneys know all the strategies insurers use to undervalue claims, and we never hesitate to take a case to trial if we think it can yield you better results. 

We don’t charge any upfront fees, and you never have to pay us a cent unless we get compensation for you. Contact our office today to schedule your free case evaluation.