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Slip and Fall Accident in Houston? We Can Help

People sometimes make jokes about slip-and-fall accidents based on outlandish and biased news reports.

However, the truth is that slips and falls are no laughing matter.

Let a Houston Slip-and-Fall Lawyer at Armstrong Lee & Baker LLP help you rebuild your life today. Set up an appointment right away by calling us at (832) 402-6637 or contacting us online.

A slip and fall can turn your life upside down overnight, causing endless medical expenses, lost wages, and serious physical and emotional suffering.

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slip and fall attorney houston

Fortunately, the law is on the side of the slip-and-fall victim. If you have suffered harm because of the negligent actions of a property owner, the law gives you the right to seek compensation.

That said, it is easy to get overwhelmed by questions surrounding the legal process. How will you file your claim? How do you prove your case?

What if you have to face a lawyer in court? Do not try to figure all of these questions out on your own.

Instead, contact a qualified Houston slip-and-fall accident lawyer at Armstrong Lee & Baker who can do the heavy lifting of proving your case. 

What Is a Slip-and-Fall Lawyer? 

The law is highly complex. In fact, it is so complicated that no single attorney can focus on every field of law. Some attorneys specialize in contract law.

Others work exclusively on maritime law, criminal law, family law, or bankruptcy matters. So, what is a slip-and-fall lawyer? Slip-and-fall attorneys focus on personal injury cases.

They concentrate their time on proving negligence—whether the victim’s damages were caused by the negligence of a careless driver, medical professional, or property owner. 

Should I Get a Lawyer for a Slip-and-Fall?

Should I get a lawyer for a slip-and-fall? Yes. There are several key reasons why you should reach out to a Houston slip-and-fall accident attorney.

Get a Free Consultation Today!

Ready to get started on your case? Reach out to our firm today to go over the details of your case.

Reason #1: You’re Committing Yourself to a Much Bigger Task Than You Think

The laws surrounding slip-and-fall accidents are difficult to comprehend without legal training. Representing yourself effectively in court requires a deep knowledge of the law, legal procedures, and courtroom etiquette.

Some judges may grant you a little bit of leeway if you represent yourself, but others will not hesitate to throw out your case if you make even one mistake.

Even a healthy person with plenty of free time would struggle to represent themselves well. It is simply unrealistic to do this task by yourself when you are trying to cope with medical bills and emotional trauma. 

Reason #2: An Attorney Understands the Law and Can Apply It

Success in a slip-and-fall lawsuit requires both favorable facts and knowledge of the applicable laws. Even if you have favorable facts, you’ll need years of training and experience to understand and apply the relevant law.

Thankfully, attorneys already have the required degree of legal training and experience. As a result, they can apply legal concepts like negligence to the specific facts of your case.

They can also draw upon previous decisions, or “case law,” to appeal to specific courts. Finally, they are well aware of various essential procedural requirements, and they know how to ensure your case does not get dismissed for technical reasons.

Texas law gives you only two years from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit and would not allow you to miss that critical deadline.

Reason #3: Your Case Is More Complicated Than You Realize

Slip-and-fall cases are rarely straightforward. While you might have a good recollection of the events, your testimony alone will not cut it in court. To be successful, you need to collect enough evidence to prove who was at fault.

You also need to know how to find and present this evidence. The experienced slip-and-fall attorneys at Armstrong Lee & Baker can do these things very well because they have years of relevant experience.

They regularly do the following things to further your case:

  • Visit and investigate the site of the accident;
  • Collect relevant pieces of evidence;
  • File discovery requests to obtain valuable evidence from other parties;
  • Find and obtain statements from eyewitnesses;
  • Petition various authorities for official reports, and
  • Use medical experts to link your injuries to the accident. 

A slip-and-fall attorney will also use your medical records to connect your injuries to the original accident. Even healthy people without injuries would be unable to do all these tasks independently. Why force yourself to work alone when you can have help?

Reason #4: An Attorney Can Defend Your Interests Against Other Parties

After your accident, you will likely be contacted by several outside parties. These various groups include insurance companies, the property owner, and perhaps other attorneys.

None of these parties have your best interests at heart. Almost all of them will try to manipulate you for their own benefit. Some bad actors will even bully and threaten you if they know you are unrepresented.

For instance, the legal department of the property owners may call you and claim you caused property damage. Or they may pretend to be nice and convince you to give up your legal rights in exchange for a tiny settlement. 

With a trip-and-fall attorney, you can save yourself the headache of dealing with these unsavory groups. Your legal representative will intercede on your behalf and prevent you from being ripped off by shady actors.

What Can I Expect to Recover for My Slip-and-Fall Injury?

Our firm gets this question constantly. Unfortunately, there is not a simple answer. Your potential compensation depends on a whole collection of different factors and circumstances.

A few major variables that will influence your payout include the following:

  • Your resultant emotional, mental, or psychological trauma;
  • Your actions right before the accident happened;
  • The severity of your injuries;
  • The actions of the property owner; and
  • The extent of your lost wages.

Thanks to their many years of legal experience, the high-quality premises liability attorneys at Armstrong Lee & Baker can give you a general idea of what you can expect to receive if you prevail in court.

Looking for a Dedicated Houston Slip-and-Fall Lawyer? Contact Us Today.

Here at Armstrong Lee & Baker LLP, we know slip-and-fall accidents are no joke.

We know how hard it can be to deal with common slip-and-fall injuries like paralysis, spinal injuries, and head traumas.

And we know how terrifying it can be to face homelessness or bankruptcy because of lost wages and mounting medical bills. That is why we are here. Our mission is to help every slip-and-fall accident victim get the compensation they deserve.

We will not simply stand by and let you get rolled over by greedy property owners or selfish insurance companies. With us, you can expect outstanding legal representation and sterling customer service.

Let a Houston Slip-and-Fall Lawyer at Armstrong Lee & Baker LLP help you rebuild your life today. Set up an appointment right away by calling us at (832) 402-6637 or contacting us online.

Other Premises Liability Cases We Handle:


Scott Armstrong

Scott Armstrong obtains remarkable results for his clients. He has successfully tried numerous cases to favorable verdicts and reached significant settlements on his client’s behalf. In the process, he has recovered millions for his clients.

Scott is known for his aggressive approach to every case. He has been recognized as a Rising Star by Super Lawyers, an accolade awarded to only 2.5% of attorneys under forty and practicing for less than ten years. Houstonia Magazine, H-Texas Magazine, and others have recognized Scott as a “top lawyer” in Houston.

severe injuries demands serious results